Céline ADNET 04 81 07 99 28
07 76 82 14 95

I'm registering for health check-up

Then, thanks to fill out below form :

Your health check-up

Take your health into your own hands!

Time for a health check-up, every Friday morning!

The health check-up is a preventive, periodic medical examination, individuality tailored to you, your age, sex and social/professional environmental risk factors.

This is your chance for first-hand attention and dialogue with a team of health professionals, who will support you in accessing health care.


  • Before you arrive

    You must register online at the health check by completing the registration form on the right-hand column of this page, then completing a medical questionnaire.

  • The day of your check-up

    You will be welcomed by the Outpatient Day care Service on the 1st floor of the clinic’s Inpatient Building. After a general clinical examination, a number of different specialists will guide you through a clinical pathway, including:

    • A medical consultation with a doctor,
    • Blood tests performed by a nurse,
    • Medical examinations and technical investigations performed entirely on site.
  • After the check-up

    On the day of the check-up, the doctor in charge will come and speak with you to give you a first synopsis in person.

    In under 8 days, you will be sent copies of the medical examinations performed, and a detailed report presenting your results, risk factors and personalised medical recommendations.

Céline ADNET
04 81 07 99 28
07 76 82 14 95

I'm registering for health check-up

Then, thanks to fill out below form :

To create yourself. Your username must not contain space or accented character.
Recommendations to make your password stronger:
  • Password must contain at least 8 caracters and a punctuation.
  • Spaces and accented characters are not recommended.
You are concerned by the Business associate option if an agreement has been signed.
Appointments every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday : indicate 2 dates you prefer.
We will confirm by mail date and time of your appointment.

4 different check-ups

Length : 4 hours

1. Medical consultation with the medical internist

  • Clinical examination : overall condition, personal and family medical history, immunizations, health practices
  • Calculation of the BMI (Body Mass Index) : calculation of % of body fat mass and body muscle mass
  • Physical examination : auscultation

2. Complete blood test

  • Serology hepatitis B, C and HIV
  • Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome screening and comprehensive metabolic panel, kidney function and liver function analyses :
    • Screening for inflammation, anaemia : Blood Cell Count (CBC), platelets, C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
    • Comprehensive metabolic panel : fasting blood glucose level, total cholesterol and HDL/LDL cholesterol, triglycerides
    • Kidney : Creatinine
    • Liver : serum protein electrophoresis test, transaminases (AST/ALT), Gamma-Glutamyltransferase
    • Thyroid : Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
    • Serum calcium, ferritin
  • Urine test : Sugar, albumin, blood

3. Medical exams and technical investigations

  • Electrocardiogram
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Echo-Doppler of the supra-aortic vessels (depending upon Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors)

4. Additional exams

  • Hemoccult test
  • Stress testing, dietician, tobaccologist, psychologist, handling stress (hypnosis)

5. Medical synopsis consultation for presentation of results

Subject of patient profile :

  • Nutritional and lifestyle advices
  • Stress and sleep disorder advices
  • Referral to specialists if needed

6. Medical report

Copies of the exams and a detailed report of the results, risk factors and personalized medical recommendations are sent to you.

Length : 4 hours

1. Medical consultation with the medical internist

  • Clinical examination : overall condition, personal and family medical history, immunizations, health practices
  • Calculation of the BMI (Body Mass Index) : calculation of % of body fat mass and body muscle mass
  • Physical examination : auscultation

2. Complete blood test

  • Serology hepatitis B, C and HIV
  • Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome screening and comprehensive metabolic panel, kidney function and liver function analyses :
    • Screening for inflammation, anaemia : Blood Cell Count (CBC), platelets, C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
    • Comprehensive metabolic panel : fasting blood glucose level, total cholesterol and HDL/LDL cholesterol, triglycerides
    • Kidney : Creatinine
    • Liver : serum protein electrophoresis test, transaminases (AST/ALT), Gamma-Glutamyltransferase
    • Thyroid : Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
    • Serum calcium, ferritin
  • Urine test : Sugar, albumin, blood

3. Medical exams and technical investigations

  • Electrocardiogram
  • Echocardiography
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Echo-Doppler of the supra-aortic vessels (depending upon Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors)

4. Additional exams

  • Mammography and/or smear test (if not performed in last two years)
  • Hemoccult test
  • Stress testing, dietician, tobaccologist, psychologist, handling stress (hypnosis)

5. Medical synopsis consultation for presentation of results

Subject of patient profile :

  • Nutritional and lifestyle advices
  • Stress and sleep disorder advices
  • Referral to specialists if needed

6. Medical report

Copies of the exams and a detailed report of the results, risk factors and personalized medical recommendations are sent to you.